Delaware Valley Aviation
Delaware Valley Aviation is one of the oldest flying clubs in the United States.
Based at Northeast Philadelphia Airport (KPNE), one of the largest and best general aviation airports in the northeastern US, the club is convenient to all of southeastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.
Membership Benefits
As a member, you'll enjoy access to well-equipped, well-maintained planes -- at a lower cost than rentals!
We own three Piper aircraft -- a 1979 Archer II, a 1981 Dakota, and a 1979 Lance. All three aircraft are hangared, IFR-equipped, and have coupled autopilots and IFR-certified Garmin GPS.
Club member-instructors provide the opportunity to achieve higher proficiency levels from instrument ratings to Commercial and CFI certificates.
Members can schedule any plane they've been
checked out in for any amount of time from 1 hour to 10 days*, paying
only for the tach time
accrued -- no Hobbs meters, and no minimum per-day charges!
* for complete rules refer to the club bylaws
To promote aircraft availability, DVA has a maximum membership of 45 members.
The hangars offer a comfortable preflight environment, and all planes are equipped with electric engine preheaters.
All three planes are maintained to the highest standards of safety. Affordable and safe flying along with an emphasis on building friendships based on flying have always been the hallmarks of Delaware Valley Aviation.
A general membership meeting is held on the second Monday of each month, offering members an opportunity to participate in events and decisions that affect their aircraft. Members gain a better understanding of the many aspects of aircraft ownership through these meetings and can influence decisions for those meetings they attend.